How to Raise Backyard Chickens

Raising Backyard Chickens
Chickens are popular right now, there's no doubt about that, however, it's best to brush up on your research before getting chickens of your own. Here are some things you need to know.
Getting Started
First things first, you're going to want to learn about the different types of chicken breeds, what they eat and drink, and you'll want to research how to build a chicken coop if you don't plan on buying one. You'll also need to know the dimensions according to how many chickens you plan on raising. For example, if you want half a dozen chickens, your coop would need to be 6' by 4' and you'll need a 6' by 10' run.
Is it hard to raise chickens?
The short answer is no! You just have to create a daily routine with them. In the mornings, you'll let them out, make sure they have plenty of food and fresh water, fluff their bedding and check their eggs. In the afternoon, check their eggs and give them some treats! At night, lock them back inside their coop to protect them from predators and unwanted guests, and then you'll do it all again in the morning!
What do chickens eat and drink?
We have plenty of high quality feed options available, but as far as water goes, you'll want to give them plenty of fresh water and you can even add a drop of apple cider vinegar a couple times a week to combat bacteria.
Is it expensive to raise chickens?
The most costly thing you'll invest in is the coop and the run. You'll also want to take feed and trips to the vet into account before you make the commitment. The actual chicken doesn't cost a lot at all, depending on the breed you get.
Check back next week and we'll go over chicken breeds and where to purchase them!